An arctic storm slowly crept up and made its way to Colorado last
Saturday with below freezing temperatures and light snow. When I opened
my eyes that morning and peeked through the window, I was amazed by the
light, fluffy snow that covered everything...
It was really cold though, so I didn't go out until later, but
around 10am I finally stepped outside and headed toward the Highline
Canal to walk through the trees that curve around the trail and make it
look surreal...
I walked slowly along the canal and really enjoyed the scenery..
But I also enjoyed looking closely at the leaves, needles and branches,
all dressed in fluffy caps of snow...
Because of the sub-zero temperature, the snow was incredibly
light... Not as heavy and wet as we usually see here in Denver (for
example, two days after the first and relatively light snow that changed
the landscape in Denver, a heavy snow storm brought another 4 inches
and broke everything it could - After the storm).
Anyway, this Saturday was different. The air was cold, but crisp
and fresh... Snowflakes were still flying, adding to the snow on the
ground... but the walk was pleasant (I think mainly because I had plenty
of layers to keep cold out).
I can't remember the last time the trail looked like this. Probably
on foggy mornings, but we don't get those very often, so I guess there
are only a couple of opportunities a year to see the colors fade and
subdued... I think it just added a little bit of pleasure to the walk,
and I tried to capture what my eyes saw (which was not as easy as I
I didn't spend much time outside... The day was still cold, and
after a while I turned around and rushed home, where I sat by the
fireplace and now enjoyed the waves of heat warming my hands and feet...
As much as I loved being in the snow... I didn't want to do it again ;)
The pictures were taken on January 18, 2025.
Such muted beauty— wonderful photos Michael