I didn't sleep well last night. Well, I slept well, but I was wide
awake around half past three and decided to go out instead of trying to
fall back asleep. So I gobbled a sandwich and left the house just before
4am. I headed towards Loveland Pass and hoped to make it in time for
sunrise. When an hour later I started on my way up to the mountain
ridge, it was
pitch dark with the sky just beginning to lighten up... Half an hour
later, as I walked along the ridge, I enjoyed the first signs that the
sun was about to rise above the mountains...
But on the west side, everything was
dark and dim. No color, and I could barely make out the Continental Divide and Eisenhower Tunnel down below..
I turned left towards Mount Sniktau and followed the trail. A few
minutes later, I looked back at the west side and everything looked
different now. The first rays of sunlight colored the clouds and added
some brightness to the surroundings.
It took a few more minutes for the sun to finally rise over the mountain range... And it was an absolutely magnificent sunrise!
No more flaming clouds in the western sky... but everything was
brightening very quickly, and views were changing with astonishing
The sun was
rising, and I was following the trail leading to Mount Sniktau...
The rising sun was now lighting the slope behind me with a
wonderful golden hue. Everything looked simply unreal (as it often does a
few minutes after sunrise).
I saw some movement on the slope behind and when I zoomed in, I
spotted a small family of mountain goats slowly crossing the slope. Nice
It wasn't just the goats that were up and looking for breakfast. I also met some pikas ;)
The last stretch before I found myself on top of Mount Sniktau.
I spent some time sitting on top of the world and looking around...
On the way back I enjoyed the blooming alpine flowers and the pikas that crossed the trail every few minutes :)
I was no longer alone. I met a few other hikers who had started
later than me. As I turned around to take one last look at the peak
behind me, I saw the hiker I had met first, just starting his descent...
By the way... can you spot the hiker from the previous photo? Hint... look at the top of Mount Sniktau on the left :)
Soon I passed the last pika, some more flowers and found myself at
the parking lot... I had an amazing experience climbing a steep slope in
complete darkness and enjoying a colorful and vibrant sunrise at the
top of the mountain... What more could you want on a Sunday morning?