Flowers, flowers, flowers... Every year they look the same and at
the same time different. Every spring I see them around and... I can't
pass by without stopping and taking a photo or two...
Irises are very special flowers. Why? Dunno... Just love them ;)
But I am also always impressed by how simple the buds look, but how
intricate the flowers become!
And even these white wild irises are like nothing else. Not as
colorful and pompous as their bearded brothers, but simple and pure,
like... hm... irises ;)
Small and yellow. Simple and unsophisticated. They create a rug of
flowers and there are no gaps or blank space between them. Simply
Not sure what this flower is, but my wild guess is wild carnation.
So small that you can barely see them, but... they cannot go unnoticed.
They look like tiny but bright stars and get more attention than other
Another iris... Bearded version... Love this color - pale and delicate.
The pictures were taken on May 10, 2024.
“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.” — Buddha