It was a nice and hot August day and we were planning to go
somewhere. Somewhere close, cool and... with beautiful scenery along the
way. Evergreen came to mind, and there is no better road than the windy
Bear Creek Road. And we had good company too ;)
Highway 6 is the road where you drive straight and fast. Enjoying
the wind and speed. But once we passed Morrison, the road changed...
Bear Creek Road is not speed. It's about scenery. So we stopped here and there, walked along the creek and stared around.
We took our time and enjoyed the roaring water and tough rocks surrounding the road...
It took a while for us to drive these 20-odd miles... But we didn't regret a thing.
Finally we disembarked in Evergreen where we walked along the street, had lunch and coffee before heading home :)
That time we only enjoyed the town and not the lake... But another
time we skipped the walk along the main street and opted for a hike
around the lake instead - Evergreen Lake, hot August day.
Pictures were taken on August 23, 2009.
Really awesome! Evergreen is so beautiful in the summer.