About this blog:
We love traveling. We always capture tons of pictures from wherever we've been and we like sharing our traveling experiences with our friends. So, this is how this blog began - as short stories with pictures in an attempt to share where we've been and what we've seen. Even not stories , but just notes. Nothing serious and big. Mostly I'm writing these stories on a rush and sometimes even don't have time to re-read them. So, I apologize in advance for possible typos here and there. There can be some factual errors or inaccuracies and they even might be corrected one day. Don't hesitate to contact me if you find something that needs to be fixed and don't expect these notes to be a perfect novels ;) The stories in this blog are not in chronological order, but I will try to remember to put the date of the trip. So... welcome to this blog and, hopefully, you will find something interesting and have the same feeling we had when we were there. Let's go...
And... by the way... all pictures and texts in this blog are protected by International and USA Copyright laws, so if you'd like to repost or use something on your page - contact me first.
Using anything published here without permission is violation of the law and... it isn't really nice...

Thursday, January 18, 2024


What is it about flowers that captivates us most? The vivid burst of colors, undoubtedly. Those vibrant hues that beckon us closer, urging us to take a moment and marvel at nature's palette. But let me share a moment from my photographic journey - one day, amidst the petals and leaves, something peculiar happened. As I peered through the viewfinder, what greeted me wasn't the expected riot of colors but a world cast in black and white. Intrigued, I decided to strip the flowers of their vibrant hues, stepping back in time to an era where black and white film was the norm.

I understand that for many, black and white images might not hold the same allure. The absence of color is often perceived as a departure from vibrancy, leaving the images seemingly dull. Yet, here's where I differ in opinion. Black and white imagery, although devoid of the bright allure of colors, retains a unique charm - an impression that unfolds beyond the spectrum of hues. It invites us to see the subject differently, to delve into the subtle nuances of shape, form, and the relationships between objects.

The absence of color isn't a limitation; it's an invitation to explore. Colors, as vibrant and captivating as they are, can sometimes be a distraction. A splash of bright red might monopolize our attention, overshadowing the intricate details and the delicate dance of light and shadow. In the realm of black and white, however, the narrative shifts. Stripped of color, we are compelled to look beyond the surface - to examine the contours, the interplay of shapes, and the subtle nuances that color might have concealed.

It's an exercise in seeing the world anew. Without the enchantment of colors, our imagination takes center stage. We begin to discern the world in varied angles, exploring the depths of intricate details that might have eluded us in the vibrant kaleidoscope of hues. Black and white photography, far from being dull, is an art form that invites us to engage more actively, to become co-creators in the interpretation of a scene.

So, as we embark on this monochromatic journey through flowers and leaves, let's set aside the expectation of vibrant hues and embrace the beauty that unfolds in shades of black, white, and the infinite grays in between. It's not about what's lost; it's about what's gained - a canvas for imagination to paint its own stories, where every petal and leaf invites us to see beyond the surface and explore a world uniquely shaped by the absence of color.

Special thanks to ChatGPT for the text. It helped to turn a boring story I wrote to something brighter (even without adding any colors!).

Pictures were taken on May 18, 2020.

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