The next one is just crazy...
It's bright, it's bushy and each flower has such an attractive centerpiece. Also I
found that it has no petals... I mean it has one solid
petal. The
name of this beauty is Butterfly Bush (also known as Summer Lilac or
Orange Eye). Native to East Asia, this vigorous bush is highly
ornamental. It carries the name because its flowers are a valuable
source of nutrition nectar for butterflies. It is also highly toxic, so
keep your distance and don't chew it!
Next stop we will have at Milkweed. It's delicious, isn't it? So beetles
are feeding on its leaves all the time.
What's left when the Cholla flowers are gone? The craters ;) And also some leaves on thorns... Interesting plant this cholla...
One of these days we
will spend more time looking at the Russian Sage, but let's peek
at the flowers now, aren't they beautiful? And highly attractive to bees too, but I'll save that story for later.
The next one
was a huge surprise for me to discover. Firstly, because it is small...
Puncture vine crawls on the rocky surface and we walk on it,
but rarely pay attention to it. But once you lower your eyes, you
can find thorny leaves and small (I mean it, they are smaller than your
pinky nail) yellow flowers. First I learned that flowers are opened in
the morning and closed by noon. Is the sun too hot? Too hot for
the devil? This is another name for this flower - the Devil's-thorn. And
here is why - the Devil's-thorn is a poisonous plant. The fruit consists of
burs with sharp spines which can puncture the skin of humans and
animals. They can also rupture a bicycle tire and penetrate shoe soles.
The leaves contain compounds known as saponins, which are toxic to
livestock. I was attracted to smalllll yellow flowers and had no idea
what could come of it ;) Really Devil's-thorn...
Lettuce. We've met this plant several times already. It has nice
sharp-edged leaves and small, delicate yellow flowers. But today I
what the seeds look like. And, I guess, now I know why these plants can
be found so much here and there - the seeds just fly from here to
there. But by the way, did you know Milk thistle (another name for this
plant) is the closest wild relative of cultivated lettuce? Even though
Prickly lettuce is widely considered a weed, it can be used for culinary
purposes. Leaves of this plant contain bitter milky latex, which is
mostly used as a condiment or to add more flavor to the salads. Need to
keep it in mind and bring some home when we run out of fresh lettuce....
else? A couple of flowers that we usually call umbrellas. Right, I
know, they have names, but who cares about names when the nickname is
so much better?
And the red rose, still fresh despite the hot weather, will
cover today's story.
Pictures were taken on July 03, 2020.
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