About this blog:
We love traveling. We always capture tons of pictures from wherever we've been and we like sharing our traveling experiences with our friends. So, this is how this blog began - as short stories with pictures in an attempt to share where we've been and what we've seen. Even not stories , but just notes. Nothing serious and big. Mostly I'm writing these stories on a rush and sometimes even don't have time to re-read them. So, I apologize in advance for possible typos here and there. There can be some factual errors or inaccuracies and they even might be corrected one day. Don't hesitate to contact me if you find something that needs to be fixed and don't expect these notes to be a perfect novels ;) The stories in this blog are not in chronological order, but I will try to remember to put the date of the trip. So... welcome to this blog and, hopefully, you will find something interesting and have the same feeling we had when we were there. Let's go...
And... by the way... all pictures and texts in this blog are protected by International and USA Copyright laws, so if you'd like to repost or use something on your page - contact me first.
Using anything published here without permission is violation of the law and... it isn't really nice...
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Deep in the Woods: A Summer Escape...
What could be more invigorating than a mountain retreat to escape the
relentless summer heat? Well, I'll tell you - venturing into the woods
with a camera in hand! That's precisely what I did last Saturday, as the
mercury climbed relentlessly, attempting to beat the early morning
chill. Stepping out of the car, my day was instantly graced by the
delightful presence of a hummingbird - a truly blissful beginning to my
mountain sojourn.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Breckenridge Snow Sculptures Festival 2015
Do you know what is the best day to visit Breckenridge to see the
snow sculptures? I can say... Super Bowl Day ;) Why? Because most people sit at home watching TV and leave the roads
empty... And at the Breckenridge Snow Sculpture Festival, it's not
crowded at all and you can walk between huge snow sculptures and admire
them ;)
Monday, July 24, 2023
Escaping the Heat
Disclaimer - the text below was generated by ChatGPT and... somehow the AI was able to capture my unspoken idea and verbalized it quite well ;)
Sunday, July 23, 2023
A few birds I found in the City Park
City Park is a cool place to walk in the morning. There are still
not too many people on the trails and the birds are everywhere. Do you
remember the Common Merganser family? Yep, the funny one ;) So, I was
really interested to check on them and I found they still live in the
same small lake and the Merganser-mom is still watching for any
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Some small gems...
A couple weeks ago I was hiking in the Central City area and found many small gems there. Not real gems but some colorful and beautiful flowers. Wildflowers... simple and nice...
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Redstone, a small town in the middle of nowhere... Independence Day 2019 trip, part 13.
I know, the pictures of the road from Cedarage to Redstone are not as impressive as the road itself (but feel free to click here to see them - From Cedaredge to Redstone. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 12). You need to drive it to see all the beauty of this winding mountain road... But the town of Redstone. Oh, we fell in love with this place the first time we visited it in 2010. It lies off the beaten path and we don't have an option to get there often, but every time we do, love flares up and we don't want to leave this small and time-lost town.... The town, only 92 people call home...
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
From Cedaredge to Redstone. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 12.
Of course we didn't want to leave these amazing wildflowers (Another wildflowers trail in Crested Butte. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 11) we
admired the day before, but we needed to drive back to Denver. So we
started the next morning by discussing which route to take. And we had
tons of options...
Monday, July 17, 2023
Another wildflowers trail in Crested Butte. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 11
We ended the second day of our trip exploring the North Rim of the
Black Canyon (click here to see - Black Canyon, North Rim. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 10). The next day we planned to drive
back home, but before telling this story let's go back to day two, to
Crested Butte and wildflowers.
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Black Canyon, North Rim. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 10
We crossed the Kebler Pass (click here to look at the road - Kebler Pass Road. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 9) and
soon after reached the point of
no return,
where we had to decide if we were going straight to a hotel or another
adventure was waiting for us. And, it shouldn't come as a surprise to
you, we turned left and moved forward to see one more place.
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Kebler Pass Road. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 9
We really enjoyed hiking the Snodgrass trail, but wanted to see
more of the wildflowers, so we soon turned back and returned to the car.
But let's skip our next destination for now, jump ahead and see
something different we experienced that day. We had to decide how to get
to the hotel and we had tons of options...
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Crested Butte - wildflower's capital of the USA - Snodgrass trail. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 8
Crested Butte is the wildflower capital of the USA. You can hear it
here and there, so that day we wanted to make sure it was true and
drove from Gunnison to see it with our own eyes (click here to see - Town of Gunnison. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 7
Town of Gunnison. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 7
While we traveled back in time to see Black Canyon (click here for this story - Black Canyon - the most beautiful canyon... part 6), the car took us
down a beautiful road. This road ran through planes and jumped up and
down hills. From time to time it zigzagged
like a rabbit running
from the fox. Probably the best part of this road is running along the
Blue Mesa reservoir.
Monday, July 10, 2023
Morrison to Mount Falcon Trail - A Wildflower Wonderland!
Believe it or not, you don't have to embark on long drives to witness
the beauty of wildflowers in the Colorado mountains. There are plenty of
accessible locations where you can hop in your car and, in just 45
minutes or less, find yourself surrounded by fragrant scents and vibrant
Sunday, July 9, 2023
Black Canyon - the most beautiful canyon... part 6
We left friendly Montrose (click here for a tour of downtown Montrose - Montrose. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 5)
and hit the road. But before we reach our
next destination, let's make a turn and see a place we missed on this
trip - South Rim of the Black Canyon of Gunnison ;) We probably need to time travel, but
who cares, huh?
Thursday, July 6, 2023
Montrose. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 5.
We enjoyed the sunset (click here to see - Sunset on the Black Canyon of Gunnison. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 4) and drove to Montrose, where we spent the night.
And in the morning, we woke up, had breakfast and... just walked down the streets of Montrose ;)
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Three Sisters - Elephant Butte: A Delightful Summer Hike
Alderfer / Three Sisters Park, located near Evergreen, is an
extraordinary destination that I had the pleasure of discovering last
year. Its proximity to Denver and the abundance of captivating trails
make it a must-visit location. While the vistas may not be as
awe-inspiring as those found higher up in the mountains, they are still
incredibly pleasant. This park stands out as one of the finest options
for a quick hiking excursion. Take a look at what I explored during my
first visit to the park - Saturday, visiting Three Sisters ;).
Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Sunset in the Black Canyon of Gunnison. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 4
You will surely ask why we were in such a hurry to leave this sweet,
cool and pleasant place (click here to see what I mean - Pine Creek Trail. Independence Day 2019 trip, part 3). And the
answer may be unexpected;). Actually we wanted to see the canyon. That's
right, we came out of the canyon to see the canyon, but let's start it
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Barr Lake State park is an amazing place to hike or bird watch. And while mid-November may not be the best time for birds, it is definitely...
We really enjoy our short stop in La Veta ( Short stop in La Veta, a cute little town... ), but we still had something else to explore. We p...
I woke up early and couldn't fall back to sleep. My mind was wide awake and the idea of going out and maybe even seeing the sunrise seem...