About this blog:
We love traveling. We always capture tons of pictures from wherever we've been and we like sharing our traveling experiences with our friends. So, this is how this blog began - as short stories with pictures in an attempt to share where we've been and what we've seen. Even not stories , but just notes. Nothing serious and big. Mostly I'm writing these stories on a rush and sometimes even don't have time to re-read them. So, I apologize in advance for possible typos here and there. There can be some factual errors or inaccuracies and they even might be corrected one day. Don't hesitate to contact me if you find something that needs to be fixed and don't expect these notes to be a perfect novels ;) The stories in this blog are not in chronological order, but I will try to remember to put the date of the trip. So... welcome to this blog and, hopefully, you will find something interesting and have the same feeling we had when we were there. Let's go...
And... by the way... all pictures and texts in this blog are protected by International and USA Copyright laws, so if you'd like to repost or use something on your page - contact me first.
Using anything published here without permission is violation of the law and... it isn't really nice...

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The sun was rolling down... Part 5

Click here to look Into the space hatchery... Part 4

It wasn't really easy but we left unhatched aliens because we realized it was getting late and we needed to return back to our car before the darkness hid it.The sun was rolling down and we had only an hour before the sunset so... We had enough time to find our way back if we walked directly to the parking lot... But as you can guess it wasn't gonna happen...

We discovered very few treasures hidden in the valley and wanted to see more. At least a little bit more... So instead of walking straight we started making a long arc in hope to see some places on the other side of the valley...

Walking fast we looked down and found out that our shadows grew really big. Believe it or not, but this is a good thing to have such long legs... You can walk even faster! Sounds ridiculous? I know, but this is a fact - we were walking with some speed despite the tiredness... As I said before - this wilderness is a very magical place and we had another proof ;)

We went around the hill and stopped again. There was a huge tree trunk on the ground surrounded by slivers. Actually we were looking for this place and that was not just a dried tree... It was a petrified tree! But unlike the petrified woods you can find in Arizona, these pieces were different. The Arizonian ones are rainbow colored and look very exotic. This one looked just like regular dried wood. Same color - gray and brown-ish, same texture. We touched the tree and found out it was stone cold. We picked some slivers and that was something - our eyes saw the wood but it was heavy and cold in our hands like a rock. Two senses were so unaligned... Interesting feeling I'd say... We spent a few minutes there, dropped all slivers on the ground for some other travelers to admire and continued on our way...

Next we found a forgotten hat and argued about who was the creature to wear it and why it was abandoned... Maybe it was a magic hat? Just old and rusty (or, better to say, stony).

We were unable to come to an agreement about the hat, so we decided to resolve it in an old-fashion way - by having a duel. Photo-duel in our case and... no one won, but also no one was hurt ;)

Scattered stone balls were casting long shadows. Those were smaller compared to others we've seen before and made us wonder what game the aliens played here? Marbles? Cricket? Something else?

Two-headed camel? That was our best guess, but feel free to have your own opinion ;)

The sun was already touching the horizon line and the shadows were incredibly long... and the colors were amazing... And we still had about two miles to walk ;)

Just a few more minutes and we needed to turn on our headlamps so we could see at least something. I am not sure if we would be able to find a parking lot without the help of a GPS receiver though ;)

At some point we were walking across the dried lake. Look at this picture and remember it. I'll bring it up in our next story ;)

Finally we found our car (in complete darkness) and it was the end of a four hours journey. Seven miles and a few million years... Magic objects and strange creatures. A lot of puzzles and unearthly landscapes. So we drove towards our hotel with heavy hearts because we already loved this place dearly and missed it badly. It was a sad feeling but we knew it was a place where everything is possible. You can travel across time and space there as easily as having a cup of hot tea... Doesn't sound right? Hm... I'll try to prove it in my next story ;)

To look at the last part (or the first?) click here - Farewell, Bisti wilderness... Part 6

Pictures were taken on April 28, 2012.

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