Not just any beetle... but Japanese Beetle. Native to Japan, where they are well controlled by natural enemies, these species are invasive and destructive in the US. When these beetles were first detected in the United States in 1916, they had no natural enemies and were able to grow unchecked. Even though these insects are beautiful like glimmering green and copper jewels, the damage they cause is not.
But... they really look beautiful even if they can do more damage that one can expect.But... they look funny, move quick, not very shy but shiny and always ready to model. So... let's stop for a few minutes at the yellow flower plant and see how the life of this beetle looks like...
In fact even five minutes is enough to eat a significant part of the flower and I have no idea how much this small bug can consume during the whole day...
Yummy, huh?
Can you believe it, just a few seconds ago this flower was flawless and now...
Pictures were taken on June 28, 2020.
Not my favorite insect, but the close-ups are remarkable!