As I said before, once I left downtown I wanted to come back there again... So I did! Next week we drove there again and walked here without any plan. Sometimes it feels really good just to wander around...
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Downtown Denver... old buildings and some graffiti...
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Denver, LoDo district
Downtown of Denver... Isn't it a nice place to take a walk? In fact the answer is not that simple... I don't see any reasons to avoid downtown. But I know many people who don't like one way
roads here, hate traffic and don't understand parallel parking (if you are lucky enough to find a spot). But this is a reward too - old town where you can find some pieces of history!
time we went to walk in LoDo and wanted to see a couple of old buildings. So we started with the Wazee Exchange building. Nothing fancy, pure function. Typical 19 century facade, plain brick walls, some old (i mean it!) ads still visible on the walls. Offices and warehouses - very typical usage
for such a building at the time.
First flower is blooming ;)
Yeah! The first flower is blooming! I was walking around and just found it all along the edge of the road. Small and nice looking...
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Finally, I got a spider!
I got this comment yesterday - "Not my favorite insect, but the close-ups are remarkable!" It was about Japanese Beetle (A few minutes of beetle's life...) and I totally agree - not my favorite insect too. But... what is my (your, theirs etc) favorite insect? Do you even have one?
Friday, March 26, 2021
A few minutes of beetle's life...
Not just any beetle... but Japanese Beetle. Native to Japan, where they are well controlled by natural enemies, these species are invasive and destructive in the US. When these beetles were first detected in the United States in 1916, they had no natural enemies and were able to grow unchecked. Even though these insects are beautiful like glimmering green and copper jewels, the damage they cause is not.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
First leaves
It was just a couple days ago when the fresh snow covered everything. And now the sun worked on it and melted most of it. And the buds are really ready to open up and... more and more fresh leaves are starting unwrapping from the buds and turn green....
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Green, green and green - St.-Patrick's Day parade in Denver, 2010
Saint-Patrick's Day is quite popular all around the World. And the traditional parade is a part of this celebration. By the way, the first time the Parade happened in the USA (not in Ireland) in 1762, believe it or not...
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Flowers in May
There was a lot of snow during the last couple of days in Denver. And even those who love the snow are tired of heavy wet cover, of shoveling for hours, of white color surrounding us... Let's jump back in time and look at colorful May flowers...
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Snow storm in March
The snow was so slow and unimpressive yesterday (look here - Snow is falling down...)... There were just lazy snowflakes and we didn't expect much of it overnight. But... in the morning we were surprised with the snow storm blowing and howling from all directions...
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Snow is falling down...
Right... the snow is falling from the sky... slow and, I'd say, lazy... but it looks so nice when the snow slowly covers the earth... the lawns... the trees... all surfaces...
Friday, March 12, 2021
Squaw Pass Road flowers
It was a nice August day in the mountains... I was exploring Squaw Pass road, driving up and down, stopping here and there and looking for flowers... Aren't they beautiful? What do you think?
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Waiting for snow...
We have had really nice weather lately. Sunny and warm... like 65 degrees warm... And more and more buds are opening and the first leaves are bursting free.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Fall colors in Boulder
Boulder is a good place to visit at any time of the year. But Fall time is a special time. Everything looks even better and brighter...
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Bud's day ;)
Tssss... don't tell anyone, but Spring is here! It is just waiting around the corner and just about to come in...
Sunny day... Sunflower day...
I don't know about you, but I always liked sunflowers. Even though we rarely had an opportunity to see them far north, in the area where I spent my childhood.
We, mostly, were enjoying not sunflowers themselves, but sunflower seeds ;) But still, walking in the countryside, we've seen them here and there and always stopped to look at the flower we can call "exotic" ;)
Friday, March 5, 2021
Cripple Creek, Jail Museum
As you can see, the population of Cripple Creek grew from 15 people to more than 50,000 just in a few months. And a lot of them were adventure seekers, gold diggers or just people that were ready for everything if they could feel the smell of money. And... also... they drunk! So, work, pub, gambling, ill-repute house and "next stop is jail" ;)
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Cripple Creek, Old Homestead
Cripple Creek has a long history and endless stories can be told all night long revealing the truth and fiction about this place... Let's listen to a couple of them, before jumping to our today's subject, if you don't mind...
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Town of Cripple Creek
Cripple Creek is such a nice small town and we are already made a first round of walk there - Winter day in Cripple Creek.
Barr Lake State park is an amazing place to hike or bird watch. And while mid-November may not be the best time for birds, it is definitely...
We really enjoy our short stop in La Veta ( Short stop in La Veta, a cute little town... ), but we still had something else to explore. We p...
I woke up early and couldn't fall back to sleep. My mind was wide awake and the idea of going out and maybe even seeing the sunrise seem...