About this blog:
We love traveling. We always capture tons of pictures from wherever we've been and we like sharing our traveling experiences with our friends. So, this is how this blog began - as short stories with pictures in an attempt to share where we've been and what we've seen. Even not stories , but just notes. Nothing serious and big. Mostly I'm writing these stories on a rush and sometimes even don't have time to re-read them. So, I apologize in advance for possible typos here and there. There can be some factual errors or inaccuracies and they even might be corrected one day. Don't hesitate to contact me if you find something that needs to be fixed and don't expect these notes to be a perfect novels ;) The stories in this blog are not in chronological order, but I will try to remember to put the date of the trip. So... welcome to this blog and, hopefully, you will find something interesting and have the same feeling we had when we were there. Let's go...
And... by the way... all pictures and texts in this blog are protected by International and USA Copyright laws, so if you'd like to repost or use something on your page - contact me first.
Using anything published here without permission is violation of the law and... it isn't really nice...

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Morning and evening. Hawaii, part 17

To read previous part Beach, Old Mission and the nice neighborhood. Hawaii, part 16

We had just a couple more days left to enjoy a Spring time on Kauai. And we started the next day meeting a green lizard, who posed for the pictures and raised our spirit.


Saturday, January 30, 2021

Beach, Old Mission and the nice neighborhood. Hawaii, part 16

To read previous part Ocean trip to the north coast of Kauai. Hawaii, part 15

We woke up next morning and understood that we were tired. Waimea Canyon and the boat trip were a bit too much for one day, actually. But we cannot even imagine sitting still and not going to see anything ;) But we decided we should be taking it easy... So we started from exploring the beaches  on the East coast.


Friday, January 29, 2021

Ocean trip to the north coast of Kauai. Hawaii, part 15

To read previous part Finally, Waimea Canyon. Hawaii, part 14

The trip to Waimea Canyon was really great. But we had even better plans for the afternoon. Do you remember the only road runs around the island. And I hope you remember that it is not a loop and part of the cost is inaccessible by car. The north part. There are no roads there and you can reach it only by feet or from the water. And, honestly, everyone has to take a boat trip to see the island from the outside. The north coast is absolutely an amazing place to see and that was our plan this afternoon...


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Finally, Waimea Canyon. Hawaii, part 14

To read previous part Waterfalls, palm trees and lush ridges. Hawaii, part 13

For now we already tried to see this beauty twice and both times were lost in the deep fog surrounding the mountains and below. But this Friday the luck showed us it's smiley face. Right, this morning we were finally able to drive all the way up to the final lookout and have a look at Waimea Canyon.


Monday, January 25, 2021

Waterfalls, palm trees and lush ridges. Hawaii, part 13

To read previous part McBryde Botanic Garden. Hawaii, part 12

One of the biggest attractions of Hawaii are waterfalls. There are a lot of them and they are amazing. But before going to look at them, let's take a look at the coconut tree. They are one of the most common plants on the island and... look quite impressive. If the palm tree is growing on the cost, it always has a weird shape, because of the winds they need to resist.


Sunday, January 24, 2021

McBryde Botanic Garden. Hawaii, part 12

To read previous part History and beauty... Hawaii, part 11

McBryde Botanic Garden is the second "official" botanic garden on Kauai. It's located on the south end of the island and you need to take a nice overgrown road to teach it out. Once you are in... all you need just walk around and admire the lush tropical forest, flowers and palm trees...


Sunday, January 17, 2021

History and beauty... Hawaii, part 11

To read previous part Waimea Canyon, surfers and sunset... Hawaii, part 10

Most of the people expect the beaches and sun when they have a vacation in Hawaii. But you also can find some interesting places to visit there too. So the next day we decided to look at the place of history and business. Growing sugarcane was a main business for Kauai for a centuries. But now no one does it anymore. So the plantations that bloomed there either died and repurposed or found a new life with changing of the product. Small town of Koloa was a home for a few big sugarcane plantations and one of them is still blooming. They don't produce sugar anymore, but use all the experience of growing sugarcane. Koloa Rum Company is quite young but already has a good reputation and produces a really good rum. They become famous also for producing flavored rum (their Chocolate Rum, infused with Kauai grown cocoa nibs is a mindblower) and ready to drink cocktails.


Thursday, January 14, 2021

Waimea Canyon, surfers and sunset... Hawaii, part 10

To read previous part Hello, rain! Hawaii, part 09

The forecast was mostly good for the next day and we decided to try seeing Waimea Canyon again. So we took the same route as the day before and... we were really excited. But... we had no luck again. Definitely the landscape looked much better. There was no fog this day and the lower part of the canyon was quite visible and really bright. But... once we drove a bit up on the road, we found the clouds so low and thick and covering everything even better than fog a day ago. So we just turned around and drove to Poipu, the small town with perfect beaches where we spent most of the day.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Hello, rain! Hawaii, part 09

To read previous part Plantation Gardens. Hawaii, part 08

The previous day was foggy and a bit rainy. In fact this is quite common for Kauai. Rain, I mean. Generally it is raining every day. A few times every day. But mostly the rains are short, light and warm. So they bring no problems, a few minutes of rain and the sun dries everything in just a minute. And as I said you can pick the location with lowest probability of you getting wet. But sometimes (especially in Spring) the day just stays opposite. I mean it is mostly raining, with the sun taking over from time to time. So that was a day like this during our stay. I cannot really complain, because the rain wasn't strong (more like a shower), warm and the sun still was able to come through the clouds and make some difference.


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Plantation Gardens. Hawaii, part 08

To read previous part To all coffee lovers... Hawaii, part 07

Do you remember I told you there are two real botanic gardens on the island and one more. Let's take a look at this one. It was a garden of a planter's wife someday and now it is a part of the hotel territory. They do a really good job of keeping it impressive and nice. The best part is that it is open for everyone. You can just drop by and spend as much time here as you wish. Isn't it a paradise?


Monday, January 11, 2021

To all coffee lovers... Hawaii, part 07

To read previous part Hedgehog in the Fog. Hawaii, part 06

This day wasn't just rainy and gloomy... It also was a bit sleepy (not a surprise). And we thought it was a great reason to stop for a coffee. In a very special place. So on our way back we just made a turn and stopped for a steaming cup of coffee... and something else ;)

There are a few coffee companies on Hawaii islands. Kauai Coffee is the only company that grows coffee on Kauai Island. And it is also the biggest american coffee company as well. They have a very big orchard close to the coast line of Kauai (3,100 acres). You can drive along this orchard for at least half an hour and they grow 4 millions of the Arabica coffee trees there. 4 millions trees! It's more that the people are living in most of the American cities :-) !

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Hedgehog in the Fog. Hawaii, part 06

To read previous part A bit more of North. Hawaii, part 05

The next morning was rainy and gloomy. Right, I remember I told you if it is raining on one side, it is sunny on the other side, but... sometimes it is raining everywhere. Especially during the rain season and the end of April is also the end of the rain season, so you need to be ready for some totally rainy days. Or at least half a day of rain all around the island. So next morning was the morning of one of these days. The best we can do is to check where the rain is lighter and drive there. In hope when we get to the target place the sun is going to take over.


Friday, January 8, 2021

A bit more of North. Hawaii, part 05

To read previous part Limahuli Botanical Garden, Hawaii, part 04

Finally we left the botanic garden and slowly moved back to the hotel. We stopped here and there to look at the mountains and beaches...


Thursday, January 7, 2021

Limahuli Botanical Garden, Hawaii, part 04

To read previous part North. Hawaii, part 03

We didn't make big plans when we were on Kauai. We tried to be flexible and follow the weather and our guts. We definitely had a few scenarios in mind every day but played by ear. So when we left the north beach and caught a light rain, we decided to go and see the botanic garden. There are three botanic gardens on Kauai, two official and one not. Limahuli Botanical Garden is located in the north, so it was a logical choice for us to stop by and spend some time there.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

North. Hawaii, part 03

To read previous part The sun, blue ski, white clouds, green grass and colorful flowers... Hawaii, part 02

Spending all day outside, overwhelmed with new impressions, we slept like babies. But the next morning the roosters woke us up again. We didn't complain actually, the earlier start was in our plans as we were eager to explore more...

Do you know what is the best about Kauai island? The weather. Yes, it is not stable, but... this is incredibly rare having the same weather all around the island. So if it is raining on one end, it'll be sunny on another. All you need is to check the forecast and make a decision, where are you going today - north or south. That morning we were driving to the north end of the road, towards the sun... We planned to go all the way to the end of the road and start exploring from the far end. Once we reached there, we stopped the car and stepped outside, amazed with the view to the taro fields. Popular tropical vegetables growing on the wet fields. Honestly - we never saw anything like this before.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The sun, blue ski, white clouds, green grass and colorful flowers... Hawaii, part 02

The morning was just amazing, despite the early start (say thanks to roosters). The skies were deep blue... the clouds were pure white... the chicken were colorful and noisy... and we started exploring surroundings...


View from the window... Hawaii, part 01

Close your eyes... imagine you are on vacation... you are sleeping in your bed peacefully and... SUDDENLY you hear a loud rooster crow! You open your eyes to find out it is just 4AM and the roosters are crying outside and you cannot go to sleep anymore... Welcome to Hawaii, the place where the roosters are free to wake you up with the first rays of sun bursting from the horizon line ;)


Monday, January 4, 2021

Prickly beauty...

It is a Winter now. No complaints, not too much snow and the weather is not too cold either. But everything is grey-brown and not as bright compared to the Summer time. So, let's travel back, to the hot summer day, filled with colors and flowers. And first, let's go outside early in the morning and find a White Prickly Poppy, the beautiful flower so common for Colorado.


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Saturday hike at the end of November

Some days are good for staying home and some days are good for a short hike. Sometimes you are ready to drive for hours just to find a nice place to be and sometimes you are not in the mood for going places. Or you just wake up too late and don't have time for a long trip. If so, Mount Galbraith trail is right for you.


Saturday, January 2, 2021

Denver, city of the West

What do you answer when someone asks you - Where are you from? I am from Denver, you say, right? But what is Denver for you? What is Denver for others? What is Denver for the travelers passing by? Did you ever think about the city we are all living in?

We moved here about decade ago and we had no idea what to expect at this time. And I bet it would look differently in the eyes of someone who just arrived here today. And I heard it was way different a couple of dozen years ago... Let's take a look at the city of Denver how we found it a dozen years ago...

Denver is located in the center of the United States. Just in the middle of it. It's the capital of the state of Colorado, which traditionally positioned itself as western state and state of cattles and cows. Friend of mine, who has lived here for almost 40 years, told me he was unable to order a fish in the restaurant when he just arrived here. Steak, steak and only steak was the meal for the real man! OK, burger for everyday and steak for all other occasions. It has changed now and you can order not only well done fish, but also a suchi, which was impossible just recently...

Not only food had changed, actually. The lifestyle is not the same either. The skyscrapers and web of highways, fancy stores and technocenter, busy neighbourhoods and technological hub... Everything is different nowadays. But so many things are still the same and changed very little during hundreds of years.


Friday, January 1, 2021

Orchids and snow

Denver Botanic Garden is beautiful. It looks like a huge part during Spring and Summer. Thousands of flowers are blooming during this time and everyone is charmed by them. It's different in the Winter though. Not many flowers outside, but it is still a nice and gorgeous place to walk around.

But... you still can find something new there. Frozen waterfall, for example. It looks amazing, isn't it?