One of the best places to visit any time of the year. We visited the Canyonland in April 2015. It was unusually cold (just above 35 degrees) and rainy for two days. But... I guess it only made the views better and the clouds were amazing there...
Monday, October 26, 2020
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Morning walk
Short History of Highland Neighborhood in six mosaics
Highways... They are the veins of the economy and millions of cars are constantly moving people and cargo from here to there. We all know very well how everything looks like from the highway, but very little of how the highway looks from the surrounding area. And mostly they don't look really nice. Gray concrete walls, pipes and columns, dust and water... Quite often the highway needs some additional constructions like soundproof walls to separate the residential areas and noisy, dusty highways. And... as I said, these parts rarely attract our attention.
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Night walk around the lake
That was a nice warm August evening and why not to go for short walk around the lake? So we did. We made a couple of loops around Bingham Lake in Parker and... what else can I say? It was nice and really enjoyable. We even met a group of deer there and we couldn't see them before they appear just a couple feet off the trail ;) That was nice evening though...
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
May, Botanic Garden, flowers...
Right... This is no surprise and you can always find some flowers in the Botanic Garden in May. And... also... no needs for comment, because the picture of the flower is worth hundreds words about this flower. So - just look and enjoy!
Monday, October 19, 2020
Denver, two Art Deco buildings
Architect Temple Buell is mostly known as designer and builder of the Cherry Creek mall – the first modern shopping mall in Denver. But I think there are some more projects he was working on. Let’s see if we can find them :)
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Colorado colors - Kenosha and Boreas Passes, Breckenridge - Sept 2016
Our planet is quite old... A few billions years old... And all this time it is spinning around the sun and the same cycle repeats every year - Winter is starting the year, followed by Spring, that Summer and finally the Fall time is taking over the Summer. And every Fall we can go outside and enjoy the huge change in scenery, when the leaves turn yellow and red before the wind blows them away for the Winter.
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Edgewater Celtic Harvest Festival
Denver is a home for people from all around the World. Mix of different cultures and languages, lifestyles and habits. And the people who share the same roots are always glad to share their culture and traditions with everyone.
Friday, October 16, 2020
Red Rocks Trading Post loop trail
Red Rocks Amphitheater is better known as a perfect concert place. But it is not only one thing you can do here. You also can take a short and easy hike around the cliffs to enjoy fall colors.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Old American cars - Classic Rock Cruise-In show in Castle Rock
Old American cars - tons of chrome, lots of details... feeling like you are back in the 70s... 60s... 50s... feeling like you are a kid again and your father just brought home a new car... Maybe this is a reason because these old car shows are that popular?
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Babi Yar Park - a living holocaust memorial
Babi Yar park is one of the most unusual park in Denver. Babi Yar Park is a 27-acre memorial landscape that provides a place of quiet contemplation to reflect upon crimes against humanity and genocide. Native vegetation and trees encourage solace, and a small grassy amphitheater is available for gatherings and dialogue. In 1969 Mayor William H. McNichols, Jr. designated the land for the purpose of creating “a place that would demonstrate a unified public protest.”
Visitors enter the park via a narrow passage between two inscribed, rough-hewn, black granite monoliths.
Monday, October 12, 2020
Quiet life in Morrison
Denver on Saturday is noisy, busy and full of running people. And wouldn't it be great to escape all this buzz and enjoy some other place, preferably nice and quiet, easy and cozy, uncrowded and ... I guess you can easily find ten more words to describe Morrison, a small town in a foothill area.
One snow day in February...
I know, I know... this is not a good time to have this conversation. This is such a nice Fall day and Colorado colors are great and no wind today and it is still warm and nice. And tomorrow is gonna to be another of these days - nice looking and warm...
But... the Winter is coming. Do you like it or not... Do you want it or not... The days will be colder (and also shorter). The colorful leaves will leave the branches and the trees will stay naked and look unhappy. The snow occasionally will cover the surface and everything will look cold and white.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
Every year in October dozens of the balloons are taking off and stay in the air for hours. Wanna to see it? Go to New Mexico! Every October the Balloon Fiesta takes place in Albuquerque and this event is the biggest hot balloon festival in the World.
It starts long before dawn... Only cats can see clearly in the dark, but it doesn't stop hundreds of guests who are waiting... Waiting for the sun and colorful balloons to take off...
Thursday, October 8, 2020
The flights in Frederick
Had you even dreamed about flying as a bird? Have you woken up in the middle of the night just to be disappointed about this being just a dream? Sure you did... But what about flying in real life? I mean flying as a bird, being touched by the wind, seeing the earth far above your feet... Is it possible? Yes it is! There are a few options for doing this and it was so interesting to look at enthusiasts paragliding in Centennial Park in Frederick, CO.
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Santa Fe Art District, Graffiti
The time is flying... Just yesterday we were still so young and could not believe we could meet 21 century. Year of 2000 was so far away and the future seemed so blurry blurry and smoky... And now, only a couple days later, we couldn't believe that we are living in 21 century, and have almost one fifth of it behind... Oh my... how the time is flying, how the things are changing over time...
Barr Lake State park is an amazing place to hike or bird watch. And while mid-November may not be the best time for birds, it is definitely...
We really enjoy our short stop in La Veta ( Short stop in La Veta, a cute little town... ), but we still had something else to explore. We p...
I woke up early and couldn't fall back to sleep. My mind was wide awake and the idea of going out and maybe even seeing the sunrise seem...