About this blog:
We love traveling. We always capture tons of pictures from wherever we've been and we like sharing our traveling experiences with our friends. So, this is how this blog began - as short stories with pictures in an attempt to share where we've been and what we've seen. Even not stories , but just notes. Nothing serious and big. Mostly I'm writing these stories on a rush and sometimes even don't have time to re-read them. So, I apologize in advance for possible typos here and there. There can be some factual errors or inaccuracies and they even might be corrected one day. Don't hesitate to contact me if you find something that needs to be fixed and don't expect these notes to be a perfect novels ;) The stories in this blog are not in chronological order, but I will try to remember to put the date of the trip. So... welcome to this blog and, hopefully, you will find something interesting and have the same feeling we had when we were there. Let's go...
And... by the way... all pictures and texts in this blog are protected by International and USA Copyright laws, so if you'd like to repost or use something on your page - contact me first.
Using anything published here without permission is violation of the law and... it isn't really nice...

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Ouray - part 14 of Independence Day trip 2015

Read previous part:
Telluride - part 13 of Independence Day trip 2015

We left Telluride and headed back to Denver. But... we couldn't go straight home, without making a detour :) We love this small town so much and cannot skip it, even if we don't have time to stop by. We always have time to stop and see Ouray ;) Always!

But before we slowed down somewhere in the middle of nowhere just to look at the mountains and clouds.


Monday, September 28, 2020

Telluride - part 13 of Independence Day trip 2015

To read previous part:
Ophir - part 12 of Independence Day trip 2015

Soon after returning back on the highway we also returned to our usual pace and were driving faster and faster and faster... Stopped only once just to take a look at the cloudy mountains and soon enough we reached Telluride - our destination.

Today Telluride is a famous ski resort in the Winter and the place that offers a lot of activities at the Summertime. But that wasn't always like this. The first gold was discovered in the area in 1858 and the first gold claim was made in the nearby mountains in 1875. The silver camp became a town in 1878 as Columbia. But due to confusion with a California town of the same name, the place was renamed to Telluride in 1887. It was named Telluride after Gold Telluride, valuable ore compounds of the chemical element tellurium which never were found in this area :) 


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Ophir - part 12 of Independence Day trip 2015

To read previous part:
From Cortez to Telluride - part 11 of Independence Day trip 2015

If you are driving Highway 145 and tired of seeing just grey asphalt in front of your car, you can slow down and make a turn to the Forest Road CR 630. You will be surprised how quickly everything around changes. In a matter of minutes just find yourself in a different world. You cannot fly low above the highway anymore and need to drive slowly... But now you can enjoy the trees that stay so close to the road you can touch the branches with your arm stretched out of the car window. You will enjoy seeing the mountain slopes running up and this winding road brings you to a tiny town completely lost between high mountains. This is the town of Ophir, a small mining place incorporated in... I don't know exactly when :) The Internet says in 1875, the sign near the town reads 1881...


Saturday, September 26, 2020

From Cortez to Telluride - part 11 of Independence Day trip 2015

To read  previous part:
Creede - part 10 of Independence Day trip 2015

We woke up at 6AM the next morning and were ready for new adventures to find. We had breakfast in the hotel and continued on highway 145 to Telluride.  


Friday, September 25, 2020

Creede - part 10 of Independence Day trip 2015

To read previous part:
Bachelor Loop Creede - part 9 of Independence Day trip 2015

At one point at the end of Bachelor Loop you can see the town of Creede from the bird's eye. And you see small, colorful and nice looking town. 


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Bachelor Loop Creede - part 9 of Independence Day trip 2015

To read previous part:
Underground Mining Museum in Creede - part 8 of Independence Day trip 2015

Let's talk a little bit about Creede. This is a small town (population was 290 people in 2010), lost somewhere deep in the mountains. The first mine was open in this area in 1869 but didn't last long. Silver fever helped the small town grow in a few months and became one of very important in the area. Population of 600 in1889 boomed to about 10,000 in 1891. And the town collapsed back in 1893 when the Silver Panic hit all of the silver mines in Colorado. But Creede didn't become a ghost town. After 1900, Creede stayed alive by relying increasingly on lead and zinc in the ores. Total production through 1966 was 58 million troy ounces (870 metric tons) of silver, 150 thousand ounces (4.7 metric tons) of gold, 112 thousand metric tons of lead, 34 thousand metric tons of zinc, and 2 million metric tons of copper.

But these times are gone and now this is a nice looking town well hidden in the middle of nowhere.  But the past is still here and even works in the town's advantage. There are a lot of the mines still can be found in the area and one of the attractions is to drive through the Bachelor Loop - almost off road and mostly one way road bringing you close to many historical mines and other interesting places.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Underground Mining Museum in Creede - part 8 of Independence Day trip 2015

To read previous part:
Lakes and Waterfalls - part 7 of Independence Day trip 2015

It didn't take long for us to reach Creede, the small mining town with a rich history. It feels a bit sleepy now, but still keeps some secrets and attractions. One of them is the Underground Mine Museum. There are plenty of mines converted to museums all around the state of Colorado and they are real. Visiting them is like stepping back in time. But they all lack one thing... they don't show you how the mining was changing during the time and what tools were used. They don't teach you about life of miners. The Creede museum is different and that is why we wanted to visit it and learn more about everyday work in the mines. The Underground Mining Museum is the place, where you can see and feel what the miners did in the mines.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Lakes and Waterfalls - part 7 of Independence Day trip 2015

To read previous part:
Lake City Parade - part 6 of Independence Day trip 2015

We enjoyed the parade and left Lake City soon after people cleared Main Street. We had a good time there but we had some more plans to see places this day. We followed highway 149, which runs up to the summits and down to the valleys. There are a couple of pearls the traveler can find hidden just out of the main road. One of these treasures is Lake San Cristobal, the second largest natural lake in the state of Colorado.


Lake City Parade - part 6 of Independence Day trip 2015

To read previous parts:
Cottonwood Pass, Taylor Park Reservoir - part 1 of Independence Day trip 2015 
Lake Irwin - part 2 of Independence Day trip 2015 
Peanuts and Meridian lakes - part 3 of Independence Day trip 2015
Crested Butte - part 4 of Independence Day trip 2015
Lake City - part 5 of Independence Day trip 2015

We still were walking along the streets and enjoyed the town when we heard the bell rung. That was the time and we returned to the main street...

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Lake City - part 5 of Independence Day trip 2015

To read previous parts:
Cottonwood Pass, Taylor Park Reservoir - part 1 of Independence Day trip 2015 
Lake Irwin - part 2 of Independence Day trip 2015 
Peanuts and Meridian lakes - part 3 of Independence Day trip 2015
Crested Butte - part 4 of Independence Day trip 2015

We were so tired last night and slept like a baby. Next morning we woke up early and started from Gunnison. The next planned destination for our adventure was Lake City. Tired of the beaten paths we would like to take small and not very crowded highways. The Silver Thread Byway (Highway 149) from Gunnison to South Fork is one of the roads that doesn't really attract many travelers. That was exactly what we needed... 

But the very first stop we made was just after we turned off Highway 50. The view of Blue Mesa Reservoir was so spectacular... The reflection in the water was so enchanting... The sky was so morning-like...  

Crested Butte - part 4 of Independence Day trip 2015

To read previous parts:
Cottonwood Pass, Taylor Park Reservoir - part 1 of Independence Day trip 2015 
Lake Irwin - part 2 of Independence Day trip 2015 
Peanuts and Meridian lakes - part 3 of Independence Day trip 2015 

We reached Crested Butte soon after we left Meridian Lake that afternoon. Unfortunately we had about an hour to walk along the streets before leaving the town.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Lake Irwin - part 2 of Independence Day trip 2015

To read previous part:
Cottonwood Pass, Taylor Park Reservoir - part 1 of Independence Day trip 2015

We left Taylor Park Reservoir and took a winding road along the Taylor River. We planned to see even more alpine lakes this day...

In about an hour we passed Crested Butte and took a county road towards Lake Irwin. We drove as long as we could and stopped only when the road became impassable for our Forester. Than we left the car and started walking along the road. We planned to hike from Lake Irwin and to see some flowers at higher altitude.

Cottonwood Pass, Taylor Park Reservoir - part 1 of Independence Day trip 2015

Independence Day long weekend is a good reason for traveling somewhere. And it's an even better reason to go to the mountains where it is not as hot as downhill and enjoy a nice, quiet environment, fresh air and endless mountain ridges.

We started early in the morning and by 10AM we were already crossing the Rockies.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Flowers before snow... second part

 Just a few more pictures of the mostly the same flowers.

Is this one a hibiscus?  I am not really sure... but, probably. Anyway, it looks amazing, doesn't is?

Flowers before snow... part 1

Everything looked so sad yesterday when the show hit the Denver area. Everything looked definitely better just days before and... we can take a look at the flowers before the snow covers them... 

The wild roses are definitely go for the second round of blooming and, honestly, I like it!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Snow and flowers

We all know that weather here in Colorado is not very predictable and can easily turn to the wrong direction. How'd they say? Don't like the weather? Wait 15 minutes and it changes... By the way, yesterday I heard Iceland's version of this expression - Don't like the weather? Wait 15 minutes, it'll be even worse ;)

Anyway, it was almost 100F two days ago and it was raining and snowing yesterday. And this is not even October yet. Just early September. Just a few days ago I was enjoying looking at the flowers blooming and today they all were covered by snow. All this fragile and tender petals were struggling under an inch or two of heavy wet snow.
I guess I'd better share the pictures. No words can tell you how sad and beautiful these flowers looked today...

Boulder, empanada restaurant and funny stores

 As I said in my previous post, before we enjoyed walking in Boulder, we used to stop for quick lunch. You know, this is really easy to find a good restaurant in Boulder... All you need is to stop somewhere and you will be swamp with many options. But if you want something special, you can face a parking problem, so it took about 20 minutes circling around before we found a spot to park our car. And all these troubles because we wanted to have a couple of empanadas at Rincon Argentino :) 

Warm winter Saturday in Boulder...

This year was quite unusual, wasn't it? I mean with the pandemic situation we all stay put and hadn't travel as much as we normally do. But even staying home we can travel back in time and take a look to some places where we've been before. How about starting with Boulder? Let's pick one nice, warm (but a bit cloudy) Saturday in the last February and... And... Boulder would be a great destination to wonder around, have some lunch and enjoy windows shopping.

Boulder is a nice town and we always enjoy spending some time there. And every time we find something new and unexpected. This time we found... geographic center of Boulder, marked with a colorful graphic on one of the small intersections. How could happen that we have never seen this spot before? Doesn't matter. We found it finally (even though it happened purely accidental...).

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Stingers on their way...

Disclaimer - don't look at the pictures if you are afraid to be stung ;)

Walking around and looking at flowers is a great pleasure and you also always can find something else. Actually, someone else.
