As usual, we enjoyed a stroll through the streets of Taos as the
sun went down (click here to refresh your memory - Evening in Taos) and headed back to
the place we stayed during this trip. Actually, I think I should say a
few words about this place, don’t you think? Normally we stay in the
hotel when we are in the area, but this time we opted for AirBnB and we
didn't regret it. We spent a couple of days looking at all properties
nearby and eventually settled on the historic Mill House. Yeah... it
doesn’t look impressive from the outside… an old adobe building that
blends in with the surroundings… but inside, it was something else.
Letters to a friend...
About this blog:
We love traveling. We always capture tons of pictures from wherever we've been and we like sharing our traveling experiences with our friends. So, this is how this blog began - as short stories with pictures in an attempt to share where we've been and what we've seen. Even not stories , but just notes. Nothing serious and big. Mostly I'm writing these stories on a rush and sometimes even don't have time to re-read them. So, I apologize in advance for possible typos here and there. There can be some factual errors or inaccuracies and they even might be corrected one day. Don't hesitate to contact me if you find something that needs to be fixed and don't expect these notes to be a perfect novels ;) The stories in this blog are not in chronological order, but I will try to remember to put the date of the trip. So... welcome to this blog and, hopefully, you will find something interesting and have the same feeling we had when we were there. Let's go...
And... by the way... all pictures and texts in this blog are protected by International and USA Copyright laws, so if you'd like to repost or use something on your page - contact me first.
Using anything published here without permission is violation of the law and... it isn't really nice...
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Sunday, March 2, 2025
These beautiful creatures...
Yep, you guessed it right, I am talking about orchids (again). But...
instead of looking at them as a whole, let's get closer and search for
details. Flowers are amazing creatures, and that's why we love them...
but sometimes we can just zoom in and...
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Everybody has a family... small or big...
Another Saturday and another hike around Barr Lake... I had some
hopes when I started out from the parking lot, but I was trying to keep
them low so I wouldn't be disappointed... But almost as soon I stepped out of
the car, a juvenile bald eagle swooshed above overhead and disappeared
into the trees. What a good sign, I thought, and turned around to say
hello to prairie dogs that had surrounded the parking lot, ready to run
down the holes they have all over the area...
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Houston, reflections, shapes and shadows...
I've always loved traveling and exploring new places. It's so exciting to spend time in a new city, wander around and learn about it... I spent last weekend in Houston, Texas, but I was busy most of the time and didn't have a chance to explore... too bad...
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Winter in Winter
The last time I was at the Denver Botanic Garden, I mostly enjoyed some summery blooms and the beautiful orchids (click here to refresh the memory - Summer in Winter). Later, when I stepped out of the conservatory that housed the tropical flowers, I discovered something different. Of course there were no blooming flowers there... but nevertheless, what I found was stunning... Dried seed pods, open and empty, also looked like some kind of exotic flower. Instead of heading home, I decided to stay and see if I can find something amusing...
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Evening in Taos
We enjoyed visiting Taos museums that day (click here to see it - Two houses, two worlds...
). After we left the Art Museum at Fechin House, we decided to walk the
streets. It was such a nice evening and we couldn't resist the
temptation to see a little more of Taos...
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Summer in Winter
February is finally here... Punxsutawney Phil, the famous groundhog weather watcher, was pulled from his warm burrow this morning and saw his shadow, predicting six more weeks of winter. Despite such a forecast, the weather here in Denver is warm and unwintery... But it's not summery either. And we're tired of the cold and snow and would love to escape somewhere. But where? Surprisingly I know the place :) Unsurprisingly it's a Botanic Garden ;) Right, February is the time when orchids start blooming in the Botanic Garden and bring the most summery feeling you can hope for...
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Two houses, two worlds...
We had a busy morning driving around the town (click here to see - Morning in Taos
). At this point, we needed some rest and recharge. So we quickly cooked
lunch and gobbled it :) Now we were ready to explore more...
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Morning in Taos
As you may remember... our way to Taos was long and indirect (click
here to refresh your memory - Adobe churches in Colorado and New Mexico...). But it wasn't really a hard drive, and
after a restful night in our historic Airbnb (I promise to show it
later) we woke up ready to explore... Since we were staying just a block
off the main plaza, we decided on a short walk to look around...
Monday, January 20, 2025
Faded day...
An arctic storm slowly crept up and made its way to Colorado last
Saturday with below freezing temperatures and light snow. When I opened
my eyes that morning and peeked through the window, I was amazed by the
light, fluffy snow that covered everything...
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
I miss summer...
January is never warm (and who expects warm weather in the winter, right?)... But this January feels especially hard. The cold bites deeper, and even more frigid air is forecasted for the coming weekend. It's sunny here in Colorado, but I am weary of this endless frost and the monotony of a landscape drained of color.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Silhouettes and clouds...
Another Saturday and another wilderness call... when you can't stay home but need to go somewhere and get some fresh cold air to recharge your batteries in anticipation of the week ahead. And Denver is a great place to do that because here you don't have to go very far. You can find what you need just in the middle of the city... All you need is to stop by some state park... Barr Lake park for example. In winter time you won't be able to enjoy the green lush trees surrounding the lake, but you can find something that you won't find in the summer - amazing tree silhouettes. Usually they are accompanied by some incredible reflections (click here to check it out - Spring Close-ups and reflections)... But not now... The water level is still surprisingly low (not as low as a couple months ago - Beautiful Saturday morning, but still low).
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Chilly day...
Saturday morning was chilly... Hmm.. I guess it was even cold, with about 20F and fog, covering some streets and disappearing from others. Despite the forecast, there was no snow on the ground, but there was a lot of frost on the grass and trees. So I went to the Botanic Garden in hope to find some frost there. But to my surprise, there was none. But the road and trails were dusted with a light layer of snow...
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
All possible colors
Sometimes when summer comes, we are surrounded by flowers and look
at them without even noticing them... They just become a part of
everyday landscape and... our minds miss registering these bright
creatures... But when it's cold outside (that's right, I am talking
about winter time) and most of the colors are gone (yeap, winter again)
we miss these colorful and beautiful flowers...
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Nice and short hike
Last Saturday a friend of mine and I decided that we needed some
fresh air and a bit of exercise... And what could be better for it than a
nice and short hike? Preferably somewhere nearby ;) And we knew the
place that would be just perfect -
Alderfer / Three Sisters Park near Evergreen. Just over 30 minutes of driving and we crossed the meadow and entered the woods...
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Adobe churches in Colorado and New Mexico... Part 1
We really enjoy our short stop in La Veta (Short stop in La Veta, a cute little town...), but we still had something else to explore. We planned our first stop at Fort Garland, where we planned to turn onto Highway 159... It would have been easy to just drive straight to Taos, but... it wasn't what we wanted to do this time. This time we wanted to take some backroads and to see something that usually escapes the attention of travelers - some old adobe churches. And the first one was at Fort Garland.
Holy Family Catholic Church - 626 Beaubien Avenue Fort Garland, CO 81133
Set against the picturesque backdrop of Fort Garland, Colorado, the Holy Family Catholic Mission stands as a serene beacon of faith. This cherished landmark is noted for its stunning structure that exudes a sense of tranquility and a welcoming atmosphere. Though some travelers might find the doors closed past the usual visiting hours (sigh... yes... we also were unlucky ones), the mission's exterior beauty continues to garner admiration.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Short stop in La Veta, a cute little town...
It was a real treat to spend an hour in Pueblo (click here to refresh your memory - A quick stop along the way... ) but we still have a lot of plans for this day, so we
hit the road again. But we already knew our next stop ;) Even though it was a bit off the way, but we couldn't resist making a detour to have lunch in La Veta - a cute
town just off Highway 160. But it wasn't just the delicious burrito at Legends On Main that attracted us, it was the town itself. This small town not only marks the start of the Legends Highway (which is incredibly beautiful when the leaves turn yellow - Vibrant colors of Highway of Legends), but it also has quite a rich history in itself...
Monday, December 16, 2024
Bright colors of Pinery lights ;)
Yep, now is the right time to get out and admire some Christmas
lights. And some neighborhoods are better than others :) A long time ago
we explored Denver in hopes of finding the most decorated houses and we
really enjoyed finding them. Click here if you want to see those - Sparkling glare of Christmas lights.
Friday, December 13, 2024
A quick stop along the way...
We hadn't been to New Mexico in a while and we missed it
terribly... So... "easy to do" we thought, got in the car and just drove
south. A couple hours later we felt like we needed a short break and
the best place to stretch our legs on your way to Taos was... the city
of Pueblo. It wasn't our first time there so we knew what to expect. In
fact, we spent more time here last time we visited the city, so click
here if you want to learn a history of the town and see more of the
beautiful places one can find here - The most boring city in Colorado... Really?
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Something colorful
It's December... The days are short and dark... and there aren't
many colors to cheer us up. Surprisingly, there are still some leaves on
the trees, but they are mostly faded. And we hardly see anything
bright, blue, red or yellow. It's winter after all. So... let's jump
back in time and look at some summer flowers... bright, fragrant and
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Escape the busy city
The Saturday right after Thanksgiving brings a lot of people to the
streets of Denver. Everything seemed a bit overcrowded, and it looked
like a good idea to escape from a bustling city and spend a couple of
hours just walking up the slopes and enjoying the beautiful scenery.
And... sometimes you are not up to spending too much time in the car to
get there. If so... you can always just pass Golden and take a short (or
longer) hike at Mount Galbraith.
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Beautiful Saturday morning
I woke up early and couldn't fall back to sleep. My mind was wide awake and the idea of going out and maybe even seeing the sunrise seemed like a good idea :). I was
high from seeing bald eagles at Barr Lake park last week (Bald Eagles on Barr Lake), so I decided to give it another try. Even without bird watching, this park is a great place to spend a few hours and even see some amazing reflections (Spring Close-ups and reflections) even though now there are no reflections to see :(. It didn't take long to get to the park and I realized that I was just in time for the sun starting its journey around the world...
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Bald Eagles on Barr Lake
Barr Lake State park is an amazing place to hike or bird watch. And
while mid-November may not be the best time for birds, it is definitely
a good time for a hike. An easy hike, or more challenging one. We
weren't sure what we would find there on this chilly Sunday morning. But
as soon as we got out of the car, we knew that we had come at the right
time... Because high in the sky, a huge flock of birds were making some
intricate patterns but we weren't sure what kind of the birds they
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Day of roses
The storm that had broken so many trees was in the past (click here
to see - After the storm) and the sun was working very hard to get the snow melted,
disintegrated, evaporated... The roads and trails were clear, so we
decided that the best way to spend a Sunday morning would be a walk in
some beautiful place... And one of the most beautiful places we know is
the City Park ;) It is magnificent in spring with flowering trees,
beautiful in summer with its green leaves, stunning in fall with these leaves in yellow and red, a bit dull in winter with
faded colors and cold... but today it promised a pleasant walk and some
vibrant colors in a nice contrast with the white snow. And we weren't
disappointed at all... despite the snow, everything was still breathing
Saturday, November 9, 2024
After the storm
A few days ago, after Before the storm... post, a friend of mine asked: "What about after the storm pictures?" At
this point, no one knew how big the storm was coming and what we could
expect from it... When it came, the soft snow covered everything, and
it was just beautiful First snow... So we relaxed and didn't expect the next part which came the day after.
On Friday morning, it snowed again, and by the end of the day we had
quite a lot of snow. But it also continued to snow all night, and when I
looked out the window this morning, I realized that we had a really bad
storm. The oak tree, which is usually towering and almost as tall as
the building, was now dwarfed to half its usual size. The heavy snow
bent the branches and it didn't look good.
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Barr Lake State park is an amazing place to hike or bird watch. And while mid-November may not be the best time for birds, it is definitely...
We really enjoy our short stop in La Veta ( Short stop in La Veta, a cute little town... ), but we still had something else to explore. We p...
I woke up early and couldn't fall back to sleep. My mind was wide awake and the idea of going out and maybe even seeing the sunrise seem...